We can help you attract the best talent and nurture a committed and motivated team through the implementation of employee share plans and other long-term workplace incentives.

There are many ways to motivate your people to achieve success and it’s important to reward talent for their contribution. Giving employees a stake in your business is an increasingly popular way to incentivise your team. Through employee share plans that qualify for tax relief and other long-term incentives, our experts in People Advisory services will work with you to strengthen your recruitment strategy to better retain and engage your employees.

Our experienced share plan professionals have created hundreds of share plans and other performance-based incentive structures. We will work closely with you to understand your business and employees. Starting with your business size, aspirations, and people strategy, we will use our expertise in share plans and incentive strategies to recommend the right scheme for your needs.

Guide to employee share plans

Discover your options with our comprehensive guide to employee share plans:

  • Enterprise management incentives share options

Looking for a way to provide your employees with the opportunity to share in company growth and benefit from Business Asset Disposal Relief (previously known as Entrepreneurs’ Relief) like the main shareholders?

  • Company share option plans (CSOP)

CSOPs are share incentives that allow companies to grant tax-advantaged share options to selected employees.

  • Share incentive plans

A share incentive plan (SIP) is a tax efficient way of providing shares to employees. These plans can provide employees with up to £9,000 worth of shares, potentially tax-free, whilst also increasing the employer’s after-tax profits.

  • Employee ownership trusts

Employee ownership trusts enable a business owner to sell a controlling interest in a company to a trust for the benefit of employees, with tax relief for the owner potentially resulting in a 0% tax charge on the sale, and tax-free bonuses may also be available for the employees.

Our share plans uncovered series covers frequently asked and how to avoid pitfalls.

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Employment Matters

Our Employment Matters hub has practical support covering a range of people-related areas, from tax efficiency and compliance, payroll, incentivising employees to employment legal updates.