Doing business in Europe

The continuing economic and political pressures and the evolving relationship between the UK and the EU poses ongoing challenges to doing business in Europe.

We’re represented by around 10,000 people in over 40 countries across Europe and the eastern regions. We have a number of dedicated country practices who have close collaborative relations with our RSM International colleagues.

We can support and guide you in doing business in Europe.

  • Ireland
  • Switzerland
  • Netherlands
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • France


With strong trade ties between both countries, Ireland continues to be an attractive position for UK businesses, particularly where they are keen to use Irish structures to access the EU market.

Talent and employee movement across the two countries continues to be driven by lifestyle and flexibility from businesses which presents huge opportunities for both individuals and businesses but also presents challenges that need to be considered.

Contact Patrick Norris who leads the Ireland country practice and is well versed in helping UK businesses with their Irish operations and expansion plans.


Switzerland has long been an attractive destination for expatriates and entrepreneurs.

As two major trading nations who now both sit outside the EU, we are seeing an increase in activity between the two jurisdictions across key sectors including financial services and professional business services. Contact Simon Adams  

Contact Simon Adams, who leads our country practice, for further information and insight about business opportunities in Switzerland.


As the UK's fourth largest trade partner, The Netherlands is an open economy providing UK businesses with a viable option to use the country as a platform for growth into Europe.

A strong logistics sector has attracted UK businesses to mitigate supply chain challenges and capitalise on the opportunity of being based in a jurisdiction that can provide a one stop solution for operating models.  Additionally, financial services and tech and media sectors have established key hubs in The Netherlands, creating talent pools allowing for flexible business models

Ryan Broomfield leads the Netherlands practice and is well positioned to support businesses looking to explore more. 


Italy is the third largest economy in the EU and is a significant trading partner for the UK. With GDP growth expected and a stable government, with all parties supporting the current PM, investment and development opportunities are high on the agenda.

With a business environment open to growth and a favourable tax regime for highly skilled professionals, we see positive signs of investment into the country.

Contact Richard Heap and Nick Davies to understand how our country practice can help your business operate in and expand into Italy.


As Europe’s largest economy, Germany has a highly skilled workforce, diversified economy, well-developed infrastructure and continues to be an attractive market for new and existing business owners.

There has always been a strong working relationship between the UK and Germany and, following Brexit, we have seen a steady increase in UK businesses setting up entities in Germany in order to provide a gateway into Europe.

RSM has extensive in-country experience and technical insight and regularly work on cross border matters and can ensure your expansion plans into Germany are tailored to your business.

Contact Gary Heynes to understand how RSM can help you.


With over 65 million consumers, France is the second largest European economy and the world’s sixth.

Set-up and operating costs are generally lower in France than in many developed countries which present opportunities in key sectors such as luxury retail, financial services, tourism and food processing.

The country offers many supports for investment through tax incentives, but it is important to take advice on the overall impact of the tax regulations on your business as whilst generally straightforward, these are not necessarily intuitive.