Recruitment Pay & Bill

Our back-office service to manage time and expense, payroll and billing for recruitment businesses.

Simplifying your back-office processing

Managing your payroll and billing can be challenging. By outsourcing to our specialist pay & bill team you remove the burden of back office processing. Our industry experience combined with our leading back office software, InTime, streamlines your administration processes allowing  your team to invest their time and expertise in core business functions. We work with staffing businesses of all sizes and we offer a scalable service which will support your business growth. 

RSM Recruitment Pay & Bill service

Features of our Recruitment Pay & Bill service

  • Multi-capture methods
  • Save time
  • On time
  • Reduce admin burden
  • Real time reports
  • CRM integration

Multi-capture methods

You are able to quickly and efficiently process timesheets and expenses helping to minimise errors. Capture methods include online and mobile submissions, batch import, paper upload and bulk entry.

Save time

We generate your sales invoices with corresponding timesheets attached and deliver them electronically to your customers, minimising errors and speeding up the invoicing process.

On time

We calculate all the relevant deductions for your PAYE workers, generate self-bill invoices for limited company and umbrella workers and process payments to workers via BACS.

Reduce admin burden

Our service offers features to help comply with regulations such as RTI,  auto-enrolment, intermediary reporting, supported by our experienced pay & bill team. We also offer other compliance tools such as our onboarding module (e-contract packs) and AWR compliance monitoring.

Real time reports

The system offers standard reports such as missing timesheets, split commissions and margin reporting. In addition you are able to build your own reports, giving you a real-time window into your business performance. 

CRM integration

Our pay & bill service can integrate with your front office systems saving you considerable time by eliminating data entry duplication and data errors. With Bullhorn and Erecuit’s  systems, we can  present pay & bill information (timesheets, expenses, remittances, payslip and invoices etc.)  using summary dashboards against your workers, clients and placement records.

Recruitment Pay & Bill Service stats and facts

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There are three million timesheets being processed through InTime each year.
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Billing value

Our clients are collectively billing more than £3bn through our pay & bill system.
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Agency clients

We have over 400 recruitment agency clients using our InTime software.
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More than 300,000 users log-in to our system each month.
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There are over 500,000 people currently using our system.

International business services

Whether you’re taking your business overseas for the first time or you want to improve your current international operations, we can help.

Environmental, Social and Governance

ESG is an essential consideration for any business wanting to impress stakeholders and contribute to the sustainability movement.