
Richard is Head of our Risk Assurance practice and has over 25 years’ experience in the delivery of risk management, internal audit, specialist assurance and related advisory services. His client portfolio spans a number of sectors including central government, charities, education and financial services both in the UK and overseas.

Additionally he is the lead partner for our Africa desk and is responsible for RSM International’s centre of excellence for risk advisory services. Richard champions client excellence, flexibility and transparency and is committed to embedding this culture across the 350 strong Risk Assurance practice as well as more widely across the RSM network.

Prior to coming into the profession Richard trained with the National Audit Office where he worked across government including the Home Office, Ministry of Defence and worked closely with the United Nations. He retains a particular interest in working both with UK central government and with international aid organisations and charities that fund large development and emergency aid projects in developing countries.

When asked what motivates him, Richard says: 

I have seen the risk assurance practice, both in the UK and beyond, go from strength to strength as our clients have prioritised risk management over the years. Working across borders, with international organisations, particularly with our Africa desk has meant there is never a dull day and I relish the opportunity to apply effective risk practices globally.

Richard is a regular speaker at RSM conferences and seminars as well as forums organised by the global IIA, the UN and others on matters such as good governance, assurance framework, risk management and control on international aid programmes.

Away from work, he is a musician and a keen follower of many sports, but especially cricket. 

Richard’s RSM timeline:

  • 2018: lead partner for Africa desk
  • 2013: joined RSM as a partner on merger
  • 2010: lead for RSM International’s centre of excellence for risk advisory services
  • 2005: became Head of Risk Assurance faculty

Press and appearance highlights: 

  • IIA global conference – 2017, 2018
  • Speaker on fraud and corruption in sub-Saharan Africa on relevant business TV networks