
Connor’s RSM timeline:

2008: joined RSM in the audit department
2012: transferred to the M&A team
2018: promoted to Director and established a sell-side advisory team across Scotland
2022: relocated to London to support team growth

Connor works with shareholders and management teams from entrepreneurial, owner-managed businesses on sell-side transactions, selling to global corporate acquirers and private equity investors, focusing on the media sector.

‘Typically, our clients are first-time or single time sellers, so the majority of our deals are one-time events involving life changing sums of money. The unique pressures and emotions these events create is fascinating.’

Connor focuses on working with his clients to gain their trust and directly influence the success of their deal, whether that is improving the chances of the deal completion or improving the value (price or structure or terms). Connor delivers on this, working with a diverse team of talented, dedicated, and ambitious people to make a genuine difference to the outcomes of the deals they work on. The team notably sold Roald Dahl to Netflix, a very special deal close to their hearts. 

Connor is a better golfer than the odd shank suggests. He also plays in a band #turnyourSoundonHigh.

Favourite thing about RSM

My team (their personality, attitude, and ability), having a laugh and making a genuine difference to the outcomes of the deals we work on. We also sold Roald Dahl to Netflix (M&A is usually good fun, but every now and then it's really special!). 

Deal case studies:

Roald Dahl
Ubiquitous Chip