
Charlie’s RSM timeline:

1999: joined Howe Robinson Shipbrokers as a Shipbroker
2001: joined EY in private equity coverage 
2008: joined Matrix Group as a Fund Placement Agent
2011: joined Pathway Capital as Head of Fundraising in Europe
2015: joined RSM as Head of Private Equity

Charlie is a partner at RSM, heading up private equity, leading his team and working with a wide range of private equity firms. He has a detailed and up-to-date knowledge of the private equity market and uses this to set the strategy for how RSM works with private equity in the UK.

‘My favourite aspect of private equity coverage is working with our teams to combine bright people with an ambitious plan and the investment to execute it. Matching those three ingredients and helping to get them working together is fascinating and extremely rewarding.’

Outside of the office, Charlie enjoys cross-country running, skiing, the occasional game of golf and surfing with great enthusiasm but so far, no skill! Charlie and his wife usually have a building or DIY project on the go that keeps them busy now that their two children are fairly independent - although they still find that their house is often filled with them and their friends, which is a pleasure.

Favourite thing about RSM

As a firm, we work well across teams which means we are constantly working with different people at different points in their careers, in different places and providing different services. It’s never the same and it keeps you on your toes!