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Making Tax Digital (MTD) Readiness Review

25 June 2018

The MTD Readiness Review provides a clear route to MTD compliance. The Review assesses your organisation’s current VAT processes and identifies the steps required to be taken to become MTD ready. 

Whilst the readiness review focusses on MTD compliance, it will also help you to consider your organisation’s overall VAT compliance more broadly, including areas around data quality, processes and controls, and training needs.

Our MTD Readiness Review will guide you through the process to MTD compliance, ready for April 2019.

  1. Initial assessment
    We will meet with you and undertake a MTD Readiness Review questionnaire to ensure we have a complete understanding of the processes and procedures in your business and how they could be affected.
  2. Results and recommendations
    We will prepare a report summarising our findings and set out the recommendations and next steps to MTD compliance.
  3. Strategy and implementation
    Based on our recommendations, your business will be able to devise an effective strategy and agree a budget to implement the required changes. RSM will be able to support you throughout this process and ensure you are MTD ready and ensure you are prepared for April 2019.
  4. Get in touch if you’d like to know more about the MTD Readiness Review and become MTD ready

Ian Carpenter
Partner, Head of Indirect Tax
Ian Carpenter
Partner, Head of Indirect Tax