Exploring the potential of Generative AI in retail

Generative AI has emerged as a groundbreaking technology with enormous potential to transform industries and disrupt conventional business models - but what does it mean for the retail sector?

In this webinar hosted by the ICAEW, a panel of experts including, Simon Gray, Head of Business, ICAEW, Jonny Oliver, CFO of The Very Group, Jacqui Baker, Head of Retail at RSM UK and Ben Bilsland, Partner and Senior Analyst for Tech and Media at RSM UK explore the world of Generative AI and its potential impact on retail businesses, the regulatory landscape surrounding its use, and how the technology might evolve in the future.

You can watch the recording of this webinar below.

Transforming retail exploring the potential of Generative AI
Explore the world of Generative AI and its potential impact on retail businesses in this webinar recording.

If you'd like to learn more about Generative AI or have any other business challenges you would like to discuss with our experts, you can contact Jacqui Baker or Ben Bilsland.

Ben Bilsland
Ben  Bilsland
Partner and Media and Technology Senior Analyst
Ben Bilsland
Ben  Bilsland
Partner and Media and Technology Senior Analyst